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It's easy to volunteer at Kennedy Catholic!

Volunteering is a great way to support the school and meet other parents. Our school thrives because of the parents, alumni, and friends who volunteer their time building a strong, vibrant school community.

Current volunteer opportunities are listed below. Simply click on any of the links and you will be directed to the online page for that volunteer opportunity. Once you are on the page, click on the 'Sign Up' box (if many people have already signed up, it may be at the end of the list) then click Submit and Signup at the bottom of the page. It will then take you to the registration page where you will need to enter your name and email so that we can communicate with you.

Volunteers may need to meet Archdiocese of Seattle Safe Environment training requirements. To learn more, please visit the Archdiocese of Seattle Safe Environment program page or contact the Kennedy Catholic Safe Environment Coordinator, Katie Burns.

If volunteer slots are full, please email Karen Cascio to be placed on a wait list.

Parent Volunteer Opportunities

Parent Club Event Shadows

The Parent Club hosts numerous events annually to support and serve the students, teachers, staff, and parents of the Lancer Family. Being an Event Shadow involves a commitment to attend as many Parent Club meetings as possible during the academic year (1 meeting/month), as well as observe/assist the current event team coordinators. Please contact Jessica Hostetter, Kennedy Catholic Parent Club President, for more information.

Knight Stand Volunteer

Work the Knight Stand selling swag & snack foods/beverages during lunch. Training will be provided before the first shift. Note: Signing up below is only to collect name and contact information. You will then be contacted to schedule training and shifts.

Dates: Ongoing, M/W/F
Time: A and B lunches, per daily schedule
Location: Knight Stand, located in the Cafeteria

sign up

Volunteer Hours

Families receiving financial assistance are required to complete a minimum of 20 hours (10 hours for single parent households) during each school year. Kindly keep track of your hours via our form below.

Log volunteer hours