The mission of the Lancer Library is to provide a welcoming environment that fosters learning and collaboration to ensure students become critical thinkers, readers, and responsible users of social media and technology.
The Lancer Library offers access to a wide variety of information, in a variety of media formats, for student/teacher use. It promotes the ethical use of materials and information for all users, and strives to offer a place of inclusion and comfort for quiet study or group work. The Lancer Library supports daytime and after-school needs outside of the classroom, such as lunchtime study hall, seasonal activities for students, and reservable spaces for student and parent groups. We offer an environment that fosters collaboration among teachers, librarian, and students through direct instruction in the classroom or library.
Library hours are 7:30am to 5pm, with the exception of late start or early release days, when hours may vary. Exceptions will be announced through the eNews or online. Students not with a class must sign in and out at the circulation desk.
Loan Periods and Fines
Most materials are loaned for three weeks, reference materials for one day, and laptops for one-day use in-school only. Students may renew items due unless someone is waiting for them. During the last week of school, students with accounts in good standing may check out up to 10 items for the duration of the summer. Items will be due the first week of school.
Fines: Paperback $15, Hardback $25, Reference book cost of item. If the book is found and returned, money will be refunded. Books not returned after 45 days will be considered lost.
Students are expected to follow all school rules in the library and to be respectful of other students. Students are welcome to charge their devices in the library, but are asked not to leave items unattended. Lunchtime is a reserved study hall - students with lunches are asked to eat in the cafeteria, though eating in the library is generally permitted before and after school.
- Collection Development Policy & Procedure
- Responsible Use of Materials
- Circulation Policies and Scheduling
Collection Development Policy & Procedure
Overview: The Lancer Library collection is intended to support and enrich the school curriculum, the literacy objectives of the school, and to support and enhance the school mission to "graduate leaders following Christ." Library materials are provided for grade levels 9 through 12, with every attempt made to offer diverse formats, points of view, levels of skill for personal enjoyment, and levels of instruction to supplement teacher curricula. We strive to address the various instructional needs, interests, and maturity levels of each of our students, recognizing the diversity of background and abilities represented within our school community.
- Library materials should foster critical thinking, factual knowledge, literary appreciation, ethical values, and reading for pleasure.
- Library materials should contribute to the development of an understanding of the religious, ethnic, cultural, and occupational diversity of society.
- Library materials should objectively present the contributions of both genders, various religions, ethnic, and cultural groups both contemporary and historically.
- Library materials should be presented in a variety of formats, including but not limited to: print materials, digital and online formats, and visual media.
Responsibility for Selection: Initial selection of materials involves department chairs and/or teachers and the librarian. The final responsibility for selection of instructional material and recommendations of such lies with the certified library media specialist.
Criteria for Selection: A variety of factors are considered when selecting materials. Current school needs, based on the curriculum and the existing collection, are given first consideration. Faculty and student requests are also given consideration. Anticipation of future needs based on advancements in technology and proposed curriculum changes are also considered. The following criteria should be seen as a guide for selection and purchase:
- Adherence with the school's mission
- Purpose of the material
- Currency and relevance to curricular needs
- Readability and appeal
- Quality of writing/production
- Authority of publisher/author and reputation and significance
- Format and price of item
Procedures for Selection: In addition to consulting reputable, unbiased, professionally preparing selection aids, the library media specialist will also consult specialists in the areas of instruction (both within the school and the larger community).
Selection aids to be considered may consist of:
- Booklist
- Kirkus Review
- Horn Book
- School Library Journal
Procedures for Weeding and Discard of Materials: The library staff will maintain a current, usable collection by regularly removing materials that are out of date, damaged, too worn to be of use, or otherwise determined to be inappropriate to the collection according to criteria for selection. Weeded materials will be appropriately discarded.
Gift Materials: Gift materials will be judged by the same criteria as selection materials and accepted or rejected accordingly. In the event that a gifted item is deemed inappropriate for the Lancer Library, every effort will be made to place the item in another library or to donate it to a reputable organization.
Responsible Use of Materials
Intellectual Freedom
It is the goal of the Lancer Library to encourage students to read and to seek and evaluate information and materials on their own, without restricting or censoring information. We make every effort to do this while also upholding the school's mission and honoring the wishes of parents. We support the American Library Association Library Bill of Rights, as well as supporting the School Library Media interpretation, which states:
"School librarians assume a leadership role in promoting the principles of intellectual freedom within the school by providing resources and services that create and sustain an atmosphere of free inquiry. School librarians work closely with teachers to integrate instructional activities in classroom units designed to equip students to locate, evaluate, and use a broad range of ideas effectively. Intellectual freedom is fostered by educating students in the use of critical thinking skills to empower them to pursue free inquiry responsibly and independently. Through resources, programming, and educational processes, students and teachers experience the free and robust debate characteristic of a democratic society."
Internet Filtering
In accordance with the Lancer Library's objectives of educating students in responsible digital citizenship, we will employ internet filtering deemed appropriate by the school's technology department and The Children's Internet Protection Act. We strive to create responsible users of digital technology, internet sources, and social media while protecting our students from pornographic or inappropriate material online. All students will be educated in how to evaluate digital sources and what to do when encountering a questionable website or source.
Student Ethical Behavior Expectations
All Lancers are expected to exhibit good digital citizenship, both in the Lancer Library and beyond. We strive to produce ethical consumers of social media and digital sources by educating students in proper behavior. Behaviors not tolerated include, but are not limited to: plagiarism of copyrighted material, failure to cite sources, cyberbullying, engaging in hate speech, publishing derogatory messages about peers, teachers, the school, or the Archdiocese, downloading unapproved material to school devices, using a proxy to visit blocked websites, or engaging in any illegal online activity while using school devices or internet service. Students are held accountable under the school's discipline policy. You can find more information on our school's Acceptable Use Policy and our Technology Department here.
Censorship and Reconsideration of Materials
The Lancer Library takes challenges of material seriously. If a challenge is made, we will follow the policies set forth by the American Library Association's request for reconsideration of library materials. We ask that the person requesting reconsideration read the entire work being challenged and submit the form before meeting with the librarian to discuss the issue. We make every effort to ensure all texts in our collection adhere to our selection policy, which upholds our school mission.
Plagiarism, Copyright, and Fair Use
The Lancer Library works to support the school's Academic Honesty Policy and thus will provide educational opportunities to students about plagiarism and copyright, using the Teaching Copyright curriculum.
Circulation Policies and Scheduling
Circulation Policies
- Students may borrow up to 15 items at a time. The limit is flexible with special arrangements.
- All items may be checked out for 3 weeks at a time, with two standard renewals.
- Late fees: Late fees are not charged if book is returned.
- Lost or damaged items: Any itemnot returned after 45 days is automatically marked as lost and the student is charged the cost of the item. If the item is returned, the fee is removed.
- Reserve policy: Students may reserve books by making a request at the desk. If an item has a reserve request on it, no renewal will be allowed.
- Teachers may check out as many books, DVDs, vinyl records, magazines, or AV/tech equipment as they need for the entire school year. In May teachers will receive a list of all their checked out items.
The Lancer Library is your space to enjoy and use when you need it. We offer flexible scheduling for both in-library and in-class needs. The library is open from 7:15 am to 6:00 pm Monday through Friday, except late start days (and all school hours on half and special schedule days). Our goal in the library is to support teacher instruction and student research needs. Teachers are welcome to email or stop by the library to schedule whole class in-library time, or to request librarian services for your classroom.
Students are welcome before and after school without a pass. During lunch time, students must bring a pass they have requested before the end of extended passing. During instructional times, students need only present a library pass signed by their teacher. We want you in the library, but your class time comes first!
Teachers are welcome any time to use the facilities for their own planning, to check out books, or collaborate with the librarian or other teachers.
Online Library Catalog Materials Request
Databases and Electronic Library
To access the following databases for research, you must use our school's username and password. Please contact Mr. Doyle or refer to your Canvas course for login details.
Gale In Context
CQ Researcher
Infobase American Indian History
JFK Archive and Museum
Visit the archive room in the library to discover recorded speeches, original documents, photographs, campaign memorabilia, and other artifacts.
We house dozens of magazines and newspapers from the Kennedy era, as well as an entire collection of books by and about John F. Kennedy and his era. Use the information for research, or just spend some quiet time in the room listening to speeches or reading about the man for whom our school is named.
Access the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum in Boston, Massachusetts