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Eucharistic Ministry

With special approval of the Archbishop, students who are Catholic and Confirmed are allowed to be Eucharistic Ministers. They help distribute Holy Communion at All School Masses.

All School Masses

Our entire student body meets at least monthly to celebrate Mass together in the gym. We begin the year with the Mass of the Holy Spirit. Homecoming Mass is celebrated in the fall followed by All Saints Day Mass in November. We also celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception and Catholic Schools Week in the winter. Ash Wednesday Mass begins the Lenten Season while Holy Thursday Mass helps us begin prayer for the Triduum. We close the year with a Marian Mass and Baccalaureate Mass. Parents and Guardians are welcome and encouraged to attend. Dates and times will be announced on the website.

Prayer Services

Throughout the school year there are various prayer services held as an entire community including the Thanksgiving prayer service and St. Vincent de Paul Adopt a Family presentation. Additionally, many individual classes will hold prayer services throughout the school year in our Chapel.

Stations of the Cross

During the Lenten Season, theology teachers are encouraged to pray the Stations of the Cross with their classes either in the classroom or the chapel. On Good Friday, the Stations are celebrated every period in the Kennedy Catholic Chapel. Parents and Guardians are welcome to join.

First Friday Adoration Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

Every first Friday, our Chapel is open for Adoration from 7:30am - 3pm. Please join us!

MAy CROWNING Mass | Grandparents Day CELEBRATION

Each year, students invite their grandparents for a light breakfast, a tour of the campus, and celebration of May Crowning Mass.