World Languages
Kennedy Catholic offers three different opportunities for students to engage in another language. These languages include French, Mandarin, and Spanish.
Students participating in the language courses work to obtain a high degree of oral/expressive, written, and reading/receptive proficiency at the conclusion of their study.
Along with the study of the student's chosen language, students will also be exposed to the history, geography, and culture of the language being studied.
Washington State requires two years of language study for graduation. Kennedy Catholic reminds students that most colleges and universities will require a minimum of two years of study in the same language, with more competitive colleges and universities often requiring three or four years of study in a single language.
Students have the opportunity of being inducted into a World Language Society. Students must complete a minimum of five semesters (or be placed in or above the third year level) and have a minimum GPA of 3.5 in the world language in order to be inducted.