College and Career
The experienced team of counselors works closely with both students and parents in the college planning, selection, and application process.
- Four year comprehensive plan
- Parent Information Nights
- Classroom presentations on graduation requirements
- Course selection and four-year college requirements
- Scholarship Workshops
- Individual planning meetings
- Counselors interact with colleges and universities across the nation
- Over 25 college admission representatives visit Kennedy Catholic each year
- Armed Services are represented annually
During the school year the counselors will work in the classrooms with students by administering the following career and college surveys and processing the results. All of these surveys are found in our Naviance Career and College Program. Naviance is a comprehensive, web-based college and career readiness platform that helps connect academic achievement to post-secondary goals.
- Grade 9 - Learning Styles Inventory and Career Interest Profiler
- Grade 10 - Strengths Explorer and MI Advantage
- Grade 11 - Do What You Are and SuperMatch College Search